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很多教师对于初中生都很无奈,一方面因为他们不喜欢学习,另一方面因为他们不服从管教,所以导致了初中生的学习存在一些问题,尤其是在数学的教学方面,数学教师的思维一般都是比较严谨和保守的,和初中生的思维正好相反,所以很多初中生就由于不喜欢数学教师而讨厌数学,由于讨厌数学而讨厌数学教师,教师们为了让学生认真学习,习惯于通过提问来给他们施加压力,让他们能把心思都放在学习上,但是有的提问有效,有的提问却起到了适得其反的效果,这其中的原因值得深究,提问确实是一种不错的教学手段,但是如何有效提问却让很多教师伤脑筋,如果做不到有效提问还不如不提问。主要讲述初中数学教学中有效提问的实践与研究。 Many teachers are very helpless for junior high school students. On the one hand, because they do not like learning, on the other hand, because they do not obey the teaching, they have caused some problems in the study of junior high school students. Especially in the teaching of mathematics, mathematics teachers generally have the same thinking. All of them are more rigorous and conservative, and they are contrary to junior high school students’ thinking. Therefore, many junior high school students hate mathematics because they don’t like mathematics teachers, and hate mathematics teachers because they hate mathematics. In order to allow students to study hard, teachers are used to asking questions. To put pressure on them so that they can put their minds on learning, but some questions are effective, and some questions have the effect of counterproductive effects. The reasons for this are worthy of studying. Questions are indeed a good teaching method. However, how to effectively ask questions has caused many teachers to feel puzzled. If they can’t do effective questions, they may as well not ask questions. It mainly focuses on the practice and research of effective questioning in junior middle school mathematics teaching.
摘 要: 乒乓球比赛对运动员心理素质要求极高,心理训练是乒乓球运动训练中不可或缺的重要组成部分。本文从青少年成长阶段性出发,挖掘运动员比赛过程中不良的心理状态,并提出相应的训练方法。  关键词: 乒乓球运动员;心理素质;训练方法  1. 前言  乒乓球竞赛要求运动员具有良好的心理素质,良好的心理素质是乒乓球比赛胜利的关键。乒乓球比赛呈现出高度的时间性、紧张性、针对性及适应性的特点,要求运动员在场上