第43届“乒乓大战”在津门经过13天精采激烈的搏杀,于5月14日徐徐降下帷幕。在13天的比赛期间,众多名将纷纷落马,新秀一鸣惊人。体育比赛本身就具有一定的残酷性。虽然时过境迁,但那些巨星失利后所表现出的幕幕情景,令人难以忘怀。 刘南奎——英雄无泪 27岁的刘南奎恐怕是最后一次出现在世乒赛赛场了。早在此次世乒赛之前,刘南奎便多次向韩国乒协提交申请退役报告,希望自己在征战十年以后能“卸甲归田”。无奈国土无大将,韩国乒协多次以国家利益为重,力说刘南奎披挂上阵,于是他带着满身伤痛,义无反顾地再次踏上征途。
The 43rd “Ping-pong war” in Jinmen after 13 days of fierce fighting, on May 14 came to an end. During the 13 days of competition, many famous people have been set off, rookie blockbuster. Sports competition itself has a certain degree of cruelty. Although the passage of time, but after the failure of those superstar curtain scene, unforgettable. Liu Nankui - no tears of 27-year-old Liu Nankui I am afraid that is the last time in the World Championship match. As early as this World Championships, Liu Nankui has repeatedly submitted to the Korean Table Tennis Federation to apply for retirement report, I hope he can “unload the reincarnation” after ten years of operation. Indomitable landless generals, South Korea’s Table Tennis Association many times to national interests, said Liu Naikui force to go into battle, so he covered with pain, hesitate to embark on the journey again.