Micelite carbonates are a special type of carbonate rocks developed in the Precambrian, especially the Proterozoic. They are structurally distinct from the matrix and consist of uniform, equiaxed, polygonal spherules Calcite composition, the individual is 5 ~ 15μm. Micro-sparge carbonate rocks in Lingbi area of Anhui Province can be divided into two types according to their causes, both in situ and in different places. In situ micro-spherulites are mainly distributed in the muddy limestone, powder crumb limestone, marl or mudstone; off-site micro-spherulite is mainly developed in the duststone or gravel limestone. The petrological characteristics of micro-sparling carbonate rocks indicate that they formed and developed at the bottom of the stable cratonic shallow tidal flat and the tidal flat environment, especially at the mid-shallow gentle slope upwards. The surface of storm waves is the largest depth. Micro-sparling carbonate rocks, as a type of sedimentary carbonate rocks of global significance, have a specific range of time distribution, which is of great significance for improving the contrast accuracy of Precambrian strata.