Radial arteriovenous fistulas are considered the first choice of hemodialysis vascular access because of their high patency and few complications, but up to 50% of fistulas can not mature for a variety of reasons, primarily due to the persistently low Difficulty in blood flow or puncture leads to inadequate hemodialysis. Common causes of narrowing of the inflow or outflow tract, anastomotic stenosis, venous position is too deep and branch vein shunt. In addition, thrombosis is a common cause of stenosis. Preoperative assessment of vascular conditions by physical examination and ultrasound to select the appropriate blood vessels for the maturation of fistula is of great significance. Should choose the appropriate treatment for the etiology of the disorder caused by maturity: Aspirin is generally used to prevent thrombosis after surgery to reduce the occurrence of stenosis. Surgery has the advantage of bypassing the damaged area but it creates a new anastomosis. In recent years, intraluminal techniques Because of its minimally invasive features in most of the time is the first choice. This article will review the definition, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of obstructive fistula.