1997年1月28日,含恨蒙难在长江万顷涛涛之中59年的中山舰,在数万双眼睛的期待中,拖着它那饱经沧桑的不屈脊梁缓缓浮出寒江。 此时此刻,万里寒江倾诉出一代名舰慷慨悲歌的蒙难历史,江面上万吨巨轮那庄严的汽笛拉出了中华民族壮怀激烈的屈辱血泪,59年前那场悲壮的沉没和今天不屈的再生,熔铸了中华民族不畏强颖,奋勇拼博的精神。
On January 28, 1997, a Chinese ship wronged 59 years in the middle of the Yangtze River with tens of thousands of pairs of eyes and looking forward to it, dragged its unyielding vicissitudes back to the cold. At this very moment, Wanliyanjiang talked about the history of the generous ancestral tragedies of a generation of famous ships. The solemn whistle of thousands of tons of wheels on the river pulled out the intense humiliation and tears of the Chinese nation. The tragic sunk 59 years ago and today’s unyielding Regeneration, casting the Chinese nation defying strong Ying, courageously fight the spirit of Bo.