富源县立体气候明显,县内海拔高低悬殊较大,最高海拔2 748m,最低海拔1 100m,是典型的山区农业县,玉米是主要的粮食作物,常年播种面积2万hm2,为筛选出适宜富源县种植的优质、高产玉米新品种,于2013年在我县进行杂交玉米新品种种植比较试验。1材料与方法1.1参试品种及来源参试品种共11个:海选1号(陆良县种子公司提供)、西单13号(云南西都种业有限责任公司提供)、广玉7号(云
Fuyuan County, a clear three-dimensional climate, the county high altitude disparities, the highest elevation of 2 748m, the minimum elevation of 100m, is a typical mountain agricultural county, corn is the main food crops, perennial sown area of 20000 hm2, for the screening of suitable Fuyuan County planted new varieties of high quality and high yield of maize, in 2013 in my county to carry out comparative experiments of new hybrid corn planting. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 The test varieties and sources of a total of 11 varieties of test: sea election No. 1 (Luliang County Seed Company), Xidan No. 13 (Yunnan Xindu Seed Industry Co., Ltd.), Guangyu 7 ( cloud