
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idoie
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天津市政府日前作出重大决策,提出力争用5至7年时间将市内六区面积2公顷以上,三、四、五类房屋占70%以上的成片危陋房屋共738万平方米基本改造完毕。通过拆除738万平方米的危陋房屋,新建近3000万平方米的住宅,使60万户居民迁 The Tianjin Municipal Government made a major decision a few days ago and proposed that it will strive to use five to seven years to transform the area of ​​the six districts in the city to more than 2 hectares, and a total of 7.38 million square meters of three-, four-, and five-category houses that account for over 70% of the total number of dangerous buildings will be rebuilt. complete. Through the removal of 7.38 million square meters of critical housing, a new residential building of nearly 30 million square meters was built, and 600,000 residents were relocated.
语文教学的最终目标是什么?这是教育从业者经常会提到的一个问题。叶圣陶先生对此有过具体的解释:“学生自能读书,不待老师讲,自能作文,不待老师改。”简单地说,语文教学的真正目的就是“授人以渔”,在我看来,就是要学生学会自主学习。  一.自主学习及其实施的必要性和可行性  关于自主学习,国内外的很多学者对它做过详细的界定。有学者认为:“自主学习是一种学习者在总体教学目标的宏观调控下,在教师的指导下,根据