珠果紫堇(Corydalis Pallida(Thunb)Pers),又叫黄堇,为罂粟科紫堇属二年生草本植物。分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁等省以及苏联的西伯利亚和朝鲜北部。生于林间空地、林缘或沙石坡地等处。株高15—60cm,基生叶莲座状,在基生叶的叶腋中长出1—5枚分枝,株形略铺散。中间枝较粗壮,可称为主枝。叶密生,上部叶无柄,下部叶有柄,2~3回羽状全裂。总状花序顶生或生于上
Corydalis Pallida (Thunb) Pers), also known as yellow pansy, is a genus of poppy Corydalis biennial herb. Distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces as well as the Soviet Union, Siberia and North Korea. Born in glade, forest edge or sand slope and other places. Plant height 15-60cm, basal leaves rosette shaped, in the leaf axils of basal leaves grow 1-5 branches, plant-shaped slightly scattered. In the middle of the stout, can be called the main branch. Leaves dense, upper leaves sessile, lower leaves with handles, 2 ~ 3 back feather-shaped split. Racemes top or born on