Abstract Model Checking for Web Services

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sosmax68
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Web-services are highly distributed programs, and concurrent software is notoriously error-prone. Model checking is a powerful technique to find bugs in concurrent systems. However, the existing model checkers have no enough ability to support for the programming languages and communication mechanisms used for Web services. We propose to use Kripke structures as means of modeling Web service. This paper presents an automated way to extract formal models from programs implementing Web services using predicate abstraction for abstract model checking. The ab-stract models are checked by means of a model checker that im-plements automatic abstraction refinement. These results enable the verification of the applications that implement Web services. Web-services are highly distributed programs, and concurrent software is notiously error-prone. Model checking is a powerful technique to find bugs in concurrent systems. However, the existing model checkers have no enough ability to support for the programming languages ​​and communication mechanisms used This paper presents an automated way to extract formal models from programs implemented web services using predicate abstraction for abstract model checking. The ab-stract models are checked by means of a model checker that im-plements automatic abstraction refinement. These results enable the verification of the applications that implement Web services.
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