
来源 :华中学术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tt_lang
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20世纪20年代欧美一些学者开始关注都市叙事,但直到20世纪60年代,美国民俗学家布鲁范德系统研究都市传说,才真正形成了传说学的一个新领域。灵异传说在我国尚未得到足够的关注,已有研究虽然对灵异传说的成因与类型作了讨论,但未就其核心的文化命题展开深入研究。论文通过系统考证其源流与形态,较为深入地剖析了灵异传说的文化内涵:生命的思考和民间智慧的实践,以及对现有简化都市生活的权力的一种抗争。 Some scholars in Europe and the United States started to pay attention to urban narrative in the 1920s, but it was not until the 1960s that American ethnologist Bruff van der Rüh systematically studied urban legends and truly formed a new field of lexical studies. Although supernatural tales have not got enough attention in our country, some studies have discussed the causes and types of supernatural tales but have not conducted deep research on the core cultural proposition. The essay systematically studies its origins and forms, and analyzes the cultural connotations of supernatural tales in more depth: the thinking of life and the practice of folk wisdom, and a struggle against the existing power to simplify urban life.
过敏性紫癜(Henoch-Schonlein purpura,HSP)是儿童时期最为常见的微血管炎之一,临床表现主要有血小板不减少性皮肤紫癜、关节炎、腹痛便血等,可引起多器官损害,近20%~80%的HSP可累及肾