1988—1992年我站对全县乡镇企业进行了劳动卫生调查,对其职业危害现状进行分析,并提出防治对策。一、职业危害现状 (一)有害因素种类及分布有害因素主要是矽尘、煤尘、水泥尘、混合尘、噪声、高温、振动、黄磷、CO、CO_2,氟化氢等。主要分布在化工、煤炭和建材三大行业,占有害因素总数的93.9%。有粉尘作业的厂矿占85.7%,其中矽尘、煤
From 1988 to 1992, I conducted a survey on labor and health of township and village enterprises in this county, analyzed the status quo of occupational hazards and put forward prevention and control measures. First, occupational hazards status (a) the types and distribution of harmful elements are harmful factors mainly silica dust, coal dust, cement dust, mixed dust, noise, high temperature, vibration, yellow phosphorus, CO, CO_2, hydrogen fluoride and so on. Mainly in the chemical industry, coal and building materials three major industries, accounting for 93.9% of the total number of harmful factors. There are 85.7% factories and mines operating dust, including silica dust, coal