是的,你从来不是一个浪漫的人,生活比平铺的铁轨更规矩。浪漫只存在童话中,王子深情一吻,可以唤醒沉睡了千年的公主,公主的吻,则可以将青蛙或者野兽,统统变成王子,然后,是过着幸福美满的生活。 只是,果真如此吗? 难道就只有洁白的婚纱和红地毯成就生命中最大的一场秀,难道只有携手步入围城才能碰触爱情的顶峰? 为什么不,不去卷起你梦想不到的浪漫风暴?给他惊喜,给她感动,为你们的爱情镌刻永不磨灭的瞬间?生命不过是一转眼,斗转星移,要怎样爱情才能敌过沧海桑田?
Yes, you are never a romantic person, living rules more than tiled tracks. Romantic only exist in the fairy tale, the prince kiss, can wake up sleeping thousands of princess, princess’s kiss, you can be a frog or beast, all into a prince, and then, is living a happy life. Is it true? Is it only the white wedding dress and red carpet achievements in life the biggest show, is it only hand in siege to touch the pinnacle of love? Why not, do not roll up your dream romantic storm Give him a surprise, touched her, for your love forever engraved moment? Life is but a blink of an eye twinkling of an eye, how love can be fought over the world?