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  The Oscars is one of the most prominent[显著的] award ceremonies[典礼]
  in Hollywood. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is the
  institute responsible for the initiation[开始] of this ceremony. The Academy Awards occupies an important position in the life of the people related to the motion picture industry. They were given for the first time in 1929 and, since then, have become a yearly affair. There are numerous fun and interesting facts associated with the Academy Award ceremony, some of which have been listed below.
  The youngest person to ever receive an Oscar was six-year-old
  Shirley Temple, in 1934. (However, Shirley’s Oscar was an
  honorary[荣誉的] one.)
  The youngest actress to win a standard Oscar was Tatum O’Neal, who was ten years old when she won the Best Supporting Actress award for Paper Moon in 1973.
  George Burns was the oldest Oscar winner when he won as Best Supporting Actor for The Sunshine Boys at age 80 (in 1975). But that mark was later surpassed by Jessica Tandy, who won her Best Actress Oscar at age 81 for Driving Miss Daisy (1989).
  The oldest actor to win the Oscar for Best Actor was Henry Fonda, for On Golden
  Pond (1981). He was 76.
  The three movies that won the most Oscars were Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003), Titanic (1997) and Ben-Hur (1959). All three movies won 11 statuettes[小雕像]. Second place is held by West Side Story (1961), which won ten Oscars.
  The actress with the most Academy Awards for Best Actress is
  Katharine Hepburn, who won four of the golden statuettes in 1932, 1967, 1968 and 1981.
  The title for the most Best Actor awards, though, is shared by nine different actors—
  Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Fredric March, Dustin
  Hoffman, Tom Hanks, Daniel Day-Lewis and Sean Penn—who have each won two Oscars.
  The actor with the most overall Oscar nominations[提名] is Jack Nicholson, who was nominated 12 times (winning three times—twice for Best Actor and once for Best Supporting Actor).
  Meryl Streep holds the actress-record for the most overall Oscar nominations, with 16 nominations (passing Katharine Hepburn, who had 12).
  The individual who was awarded the most overall Oscars was none other than Walt Disney, who walked away with 26 Academy Awards over his lifetime. He had 64 total Oscar
  The longest acceptance speech ever given at an Academy Awards ceremony was given by Greer Garson when she accepted her award for Best Actress for 1942’s Mrs. Miniver. It’s uncertain exactly how long she spoke—most sources agree it was somewhere between 5.5 and 7 minutes.
  The Oscar statuette weighs 8.5 pounds and stands 13.5 inches high. The name “Oscar” was given by Margaret Herrick, the Academy librarian[图书管理员]. On seeing the Oscar statuettes in 1931, she remarked, “Why it looks like my Uncle Oscar!” Her uncle’s full name, by the way, was Oscar Pierce.
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1)Private, First Class, Russ McGuiness was a skinny 19-year-old from a small town, who liked cars, poker and loud music. He grew up playing little league and going to church. His friends describe him
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英国诗人罗伯特·布朗宁(1812-1889)和妻子伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁(1806-1861)是19世纪中叶英国诗坛的明星夫妇,他们传奇式的爱情故事一直被传为佳话。  1845年1月10日,在读完伊丽莎白·巴雷特的诗集之后,罗伯特·布朗宁第一次给她写信。当时的他只是一个名不见经传的33岁诗人和剧作家,而她已是一位知名诗人,但同时也是一名39岁的病弱者。“我全心全意地热爱你的诗句,亲爱的巴雷特小姐