
来源 :少年儿童研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sniperxp
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少年儿童历奇游戏以其新颖的游戏方式,互动、自主的游戏方法以及自由的创新空间等特点深深地吸引着孩子们。指导少年儿童历奇游戏,必须要充分了解历奇游戏的特点,把握历奇游戏的规律,不能简单地模仿别人操作的历奇游戏过程。辅导员在指导少年儿童历奇游戏过程中,必须把健康安全放第一位,坚持以少年儿童发展为本,坚持人人参与,坚持多元化评价,坚持体验后的再体验,坚持师生互动、生生互动,全情投入。 Children's Adventure game with its innovative game modes, interactive, independent game methods and free innovation space and other characteristics deeply attracted children. To guide adolescent children's adventures, we must fully understand the characteristics of adventurous games and grasp the laws of adventurous games. We can not simply imitate the adventures of other people's adventures. Counselors must give top priority to health and safety in guiding their children and adolescents. They should adhere to the principle of adolescent development, adhere to the principle of participation by all, uphold diversified evaluations, re-experience after experience, and insist on teacher-student interaction , Lively and interactive, full engagement.
危机之后,鄂尔多斯可谓经历了大伏大起。以前,我们的铁合金销售中出口和内销各占一半,去年7月出口却几乎降到零,国内的销量也有所减少,正常情况下2万吨的库存,最高时竟达到8万吨。也因而,被迫停产一半。  但从今年3月起,我们开始逐渐满负荷生产。6月,内销量已经比以往翻了一番还多,市场份额达到了50%,库存降到1.5万吨,不够卖了!  为什么出现如此大的逆转?因为对中国整体经济形势有所判断,有所认识。一