【摘 要】
We pioneered a study about how the geometric relationship of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) is influenced by curvature factor and non-planar geometry fa
【机 构】
Research Center for Solid Mechanics, Beihang University, 100191, Beijing, China
We pioneered a study about how the geometric relationship of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) is influenced by curvature factor and non-planar geometry factor in cylindrical coordinate system based on the assumption of complete symmetry. The bond length and angle of every carbon-carbon bonds are determined by using the principle of the minimum energy. The results of the paper include:(1) From the calculation result, the symmetry breaking appears for chiral carbon nanotubes, while the part symmetry appears for achiral carbon nanotubes with increasing curvature. (2) The synergistic effect of bond lengths and bond angles is first found. (3) We conclude that the influence of non-planar geometry factor can be completely ignored on bond lengths and bond angles when the curvature parameter has been included in the model. (4) The two fractal dimensions are given from the nanoscale to the macroscale for zigzag topology and armchair topology respectively. Fractal dimensions of SWCNT show special characteristics, varying with the length of SWCNT until the lengths approach infinity. The close and inevitable correlations among curvature, symmetry breaking and stability of SWCNTs can be summed up as: the increase of curvature causes symmetry breaking, and such symmetry breaking will further reduce the structural stability.
A facile route for the large scale production of graphene oxide (GO) papers and their mechanical enhancement has been presented in this work. The novel paper-li
【摘 要】数学语言能力是数学能力的组成部分之一,听障学生在课堂上的语言表达直接影响着他们知识的掌握和数学能力的发展。培养和发展学生的思维能力是聋校数学教学的重要任务之一,数学语言作为数学思想和数学思维的载体,其发展的水平直接影响着数学思维能力的发展。我们要把培养和发展听障学生的数学语言能力和数学思维能力的训练紧密地结合起来,更好地锻炼听障学生语言表达的条理性、逻辑性和准确性,促进他们数学能力的不断
【摘 要】数学作为一门基础的学科,是其他学科学习的工具,担负着发展学生智力,培养学生的能力,培养人的思维能力方面。教材是全省统一,而根据本地区学生情况优化数学情境,构建有效课堂,是作为一线的数学老师值得思考的问题?数学来源于生活,生活离不开数学,注意从学生身边的生活情景和学生感兴趣的事物作为切入点,引导学生去观察、理解、发现、生活中的数学,让学生置生其中,主动探究,学习数学轻松. 【关键词】置“
【摘 要】机械类专业的技术基础课要树立科学发展,以生为本,促进学生“自我发展”的变化过程,联系我国当前工业生产对高技能型技术人才和创新型人才的迫切需求,更新理念,革新教学方法和手段,努力提高中等职业学校《机械基础》的教学质量。 【关键词】改革创新 教学方法 教学效果 双师型 《机械基础》是机械类专业的技术基础课,教材主要包括传动知识、常用机构、轴系零件等内容。作为一门基础理论课程,其概念繁杂,
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【摘 要】《大学计算机基础教学》是计算机专业的核心课程,主要研究如何存储、使用和管理数据,针对以往教学过程中重原理轻应用的问题,结合实际的教学经验体会,提出课程改革措施,提高学生的实践应用能力,取得较好的效果。 【关键词】大学计算机基础教学 教学改革 实践教学 一、研究背景 随着社会信息化的发展,信息化管理已经深入到各个行业,任何一个投入运行的信息系统中,都离不开对数据库技术的应用。计算机的