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一、技术进步的动力机制目前,利用技术进步开发企业的积极性不高、自觉性不强、内动力不足的现象比较普遍。其主要原因,一是经济体制还不能从外部环境方面给企业造成不依靠技术进步就无法生存和发展的压力。二是企业经营机制还没有真正形成追求技术进步的内在动力。因此,构建企业技术进步的动力机制,第一位的是解决外部推动力和内部主动力的问题。要构建这样的动力机制,首先,必须完善市场体系。目前市场发育程度较低,市场机制的作用较弱,不是足以形成对企业技术进步的有效压力。竞争条件的不平等,市场环境的不规范,特别是价格的扭曲,多种非经济因素的作用和不正当的营销行为,使得企业不用依靠既非常困难又有很大风险的技术进步,就可以获得显著的经营效果,而且不会受到制裁。这就造成了与企业技术进步相悖的导向和激励。因此,不解决市场错误导向和有效压力问题,要建立起真正有效的企业技术进步机制是根本不可能的。 First, the dynamic mechanism of technological progress At present, the use of technological advances to develop enterprises is not enthusiastic about enthusiasm, consciousness is not strong, lack of internal dynamics is more common. The main reason is that the first is that the economic system cannot also cause pressure on the enterprise to survive and develop without relying on technological progress from the external environment. The second is that the operating mechanism of the enterprise has not really formed the internal driving force for the pursuit of technological progress. Therefore, to build the dynamic mechanism for technological advancement in enterprises, the first is to solve the problem of external driving forces and internal main driving forces. To build such a dynamic mechanism, first of all, we must improve the market system. The current market has a low degree of development, and the role of the market mechanism is weak. It is not enough to form an effective pressure on the technological progress of enterprises. The inequality of competition conditions, the unregulated market environment, especially the distortion of prices, the role of various non-economic factors, and improper marketing practices, make it possible for companies to rely on technological progress that is both difficult and risky. Get a significant business effect without being sanctioned. This has led to the orientation and incentives that are contrary to the technological progress of the enterprise. Therefore, it is impossible to establish a truly effective enterprise technological progress mechanism without addressing market misdirection and effective pressure.
目的 探讨胸外伤致急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)机械通气的治疗效果.方法对42例严重胸外伤合并ARDS患者采用机械通气治疗,比较治疗前后PaO2、PaCO2、PaO2/FiO2.结果42例患者抢救成功34例(81%),死亡8例(19%).撤机时血气分析较通气前有明显改善(P<0.01).结论机械通气治疗严重胸外伤致ARDS能改善患者呼吸困难和低氧血症。
(丁零零……)阿木老叔:别笑!老叔依然在很认真地cosplay(扮演)声音温柔甜美的接线员!喂,您好,这里是《作文大王》编辑部! (Ding zero ... ...) A Mu uncle: Do not laugh! T
裝甲兵在戰時的救護工作是如伺組織的? 坦克部隊衛生勤務的組織原則與步兵衛生勤務的組織原則相同,只是衛勤人員的人數比步兵的少。這是因為坦克及機械化部隊中的人員數量
1 病历资料  患者,男,22岁.于2004年4月15日因汽车汽泵爆炸冲击致伤.伤后自感胸闷、胸痛、呼吸困难.就诊当地医院.诊断右侧血气胸.行胸腔闭式引流术,引出新鲜血及气体.术后第2天无气体及液体引出,拔管.但患者仍有发热、胸闷.伤后4 d转入我院.体检:颈胸部无皮下捻发感,右肺呼吸音弱.CT检查示:右侧胸腔包裹性积液,纵隔内积气.先后4次胸腔穿刺治疗,抽出灰褐色液体280 ml,气体2 200