在温州蜜柑夏梢发生初期喷CCC2000~4000ppm,能使夏梢提早1周结束生长,并明显地抑制夏梢的伸长生长,从而可提高着果率5.1~5.6%,提高产量54~72%。根际浇施CCC1000ppm可增产146%。9月中旬喷CCC4000ppm 1次或2000ppm 2次,能有效地抑制晚秋梢的发生,增进耐冻力。 在夏梢发生初期喷MH1000~3000ppm,能推迟夏梢发生期10~15天,减少夏梢的发生数和抑制其伸长生长,增加短梢率。但对果实的生长抑制过甚,使多数果实呈僵果状。MH亦能抑制晚秋梢的萌发,能增强抗冻力,但叶片变硬发脆不利于生长。
In the early maturity of Satsuma mandarin, spraying CCC2000 ~ 4000ppm, can make summer tip end of growth one week earlier and significantly inhibit the growth of summer shoots, which can increase the fruit rate of 5.1 to 5.6% and increase the yield of 54 to 72% . Rhizosphere pouring CCC1000ppm can increase 146%. In mid-September spray CCC4000ppm 1 or 2000ppm 2 times, can effectively inhibit the occurrence of late autumn shoots, improve the resistance to freezing. In the early summer sprout spray MH1000 ~ 3000ppm, can delay the summer tip 10 to 15 days, reducing the number of summer shoots and inhibit the growth of its growth, increase the shoot rate. However, the growth of the fruit too much inhibition, so that most fruit was stiff fruit shape. MH also inhibits late autumn shoots germination, can enhance the frost resistance, but the leaves become hard and brittle growth is not conducive to growth.