Terahertz Metamaterial Sensor Based on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Effect

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ya4516623
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A terahertz metamaterial sensor adopting the metamaterial-based electromagnetically induced transparency(EIT) effect is presented for determining the 1,4-dioxane concentration in its aqueous solution. The metamaterial sensor, which consists of an EIT element unit with a cut-wire metallic resonator and two split-ring metallic resonators fabricated on a 490-μm thick silicon substrate, operates in a transmission geometry. The EIT peak was red-shifted and decreased with the increase of the water volume. A maximum redshift about 54 GHz of the EIT peak was detected between the 1,4-dioxane and water. The presented linear behavior and high sensitivity of the EIT peak depending on the water concentration pave a novel avenue for sensor applications. A meta-material-based electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) effect is presented for determining the 1,4-dioxane concentration in its aqueous solution. The metamaterial sensor, which consists of an EIT element unit with a cut-wire metallic resonator and two split-ring metallic resonators fabricated on a 490-μm thick silicon substrate, operates in a transmission geometry. The EIT peak was red-shifted and decreased with the increase of the water volume. A maximum redshift about 54 GHz of the EIT peak was detected between the 1,4-dioxane and water. The presented linear behavior and high sensitivity of the EIT peak depending on the water concentration pave a novel avenue for sensor applications.
We demonstrate an electric-controlled terahertz(THz) modulator which can be used to realize amplitude modulation of terahertz waves with slight photo-doping. Th
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