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公元前三六一年,秦献公死了,二十一岁的太子——孝公继承了君位。处在西北的秦国,社会经济和文化的发展,都比东方的六国要落后一些。直到献公的时候,秦国地主阶级才取得统治权力。不过,历史发展的规律,往往表现为“后来居上”。从孝公起,秦国开始成为七国中最强大的国家。这和商鞅坚持革新,实行变法是分不开的。作为新兴地主阶级代表人物的孝公,是一个有朝气的青年统治者。他有“席卷天下,包举宇内”,代替周室,统一六国的雄心壮志。要这样大干一番,不用说,首先要充实国力,打击奴隶主旧贵族的反动复辟势力,从而巩固和发展新兴的封建国家。因此,孝公一上台,就下令求贤,为社会改革运动作好组织准备。商鞅就是在这样的情况下应募入秦的。商鞅出生于卫国,年龄和孝公差不多。自小爱读法家的书,把法家的先驱者魏国的政治改革家李悝作为学习榜样。他怀抱法家理想,曾投奔过魏国统治集团。可是当时的统治者魏惠王不愿重用这个反对复古倒退,主张变法革新的青年人。正在这个时候,商鞅听到秦国召贤的消息,就满怀希望地赶往秦国。 In 361 BC, Qin Xian died, 21-year-old prince - filial piety inherited the monarch. Qin State in the northwest has less social, economic and cultural development than the six countries in the east. Until the time of sacrifice, the landowners in Qin dynasty obtained their ruling power. However, the law of historical development often shows as “coming from behind.” Starting from filial piety, Qin began to become the most powerful country in the seven countries. This and Shang Yang adhere to innovation, the implementation of change is inseparable. The filial piety as a representative of the emerging landlord class is a vibrant young ruler. He has “swept the world, including Yu Yu”, instead of weekly room, the ambition of the unification of the six countries. Needless to say, we must first make full use of our national strength to crack down on the reactionary forces of restoration of the old nobles of the slave-owners so as to consolidate and develop the emerging feudal nation. Therefore, when Takako Koizumi came to power, he ordered people to seek mercy and prepared for the social reform movement. Shang Yang is in such a situation applied to Qin. Shang Yang was born in the Wei-country, age and filial piety almost. Since childhood, I read the book of lawyers and used Li Kui, a political reformist who was the forerunner of the French family, as an example of her learning. He embraced the ideal of legalists and had run over to rule the Wei group. However, the then ruler, Wei Hui Wang, did not want to reuse this anti-retrocessionist advocate of reform and reform of young people. It was at this time that Shang Yang heard the news of Qin Zhao Jun and rushed to Qin with hope.
根据国家人口计生委2012年北京市流动人口动态监测调查数据,利用Binary Logistic回归分析方法,在控制了人口特征变量后,从居留能力和社会融合两个层面出发,对北京市乡城流动