A Modern Review of The Importance of Being Earnest

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  【Abstract】The Importance of Being Earnest—subtitled,“A Trivial Comedy for Serious People”is based on a misunderstanding over the name “Ernest,” which is an attack on earnestness.This paper first analyses the characters in the play,which are embodied in their conversations,manners and personalities.What is special about the characters in the play is that they maintain fictitious personas in order to escape burdensome social obligations.Secondly,and more importantly,this paper analyzes the relations between the play and modern society.
  【Keywords】The Importance of Being Earnest; Characters; Modern Society
  First performed on 14 February 1895 at St.James’s Theatre in London,The Importance of Being Earnest is a farcical comedy in which the protagonists maintain fictitious personas in order to escape burdensome social obligations.It has been revived many times since its premiere.With amazingly witty dialogues and conversations,this play shows readers vivid characters.Working within the social conventions of late Victorian London,the play’s major themes are the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage,and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.
  This paper presents an analysis on the conversation extract from The Importance of Being Earnest to help readers understand the personalities of characters and the charm of Oscar Wilde’s play,and to reveal their views on marriage and the society.
  1.The analysis of the relations between the play and modern society
  1.1 Outlook on love and marriage
  The drama has three acts.Marriage and love is the inherent theme of the play.This paper will discover some values from the conversations between Algernon and Lady Bracknell.As a typical dandy in Victorian age,Algernon seemed to be a man who only loved having fun,but he did emphasize the essence of marriage.He thought a relationship could be romantic,but its essence was the uncertainty.He draw some conclusions of marriage,one of which was that marriage life was virtually boring.Though Lady Bracknell was very harsh and snobbish,she revealed the truths of love and marriage.For example,her criteria of choosing son-in-law is very much similar to that of parents in our modern society.
  It is worth of connecting their (characters in the play) outlooks on love and marriage with ours.So we people in modern society can better understand and improve our marriage and life.
  1.1.1 Of Algernon   The first act occurred in the house of Algernon.A few words were said,but much of the personalities could be seen.Algernon,a typical dandy in Victorian age,seemed to be very casual,but often spoke with witty words and sentences.
  Algernon said in this drama,“I really don’t see anything romantic in proposing.It is very romantic to be in love.But there is nothing romantic about a definite proposal.Why,one may be accepted.One usually is,I believe.Then the excitement is all over.The very essence of romance is uncertainty.If ever I get married,I’ll certainly try to forget the fact.”
  To get married is not an ending,it’s a fresh start for a couple.Once we get married,we should get prepared for challenges and difficulties and adapt to new ways of living and new people and situations.The adaptation is way different from buying a vehicle that doesn’t change,a driver needs to change for a vehicle.So a perfect marriage needs the long time effort of the two altogether.In addition,marriage teaches us how to learn to look after parents of each other instead of being taken care of by them.And marriage teaches us to leave some room for privacy instead of taking each other as personal property.
  1.1.2 Of Lady Bracknell
  In the first act,there’s a dazzling woman,Lady Bracknell,she spoke everything——husbands,girlfriends,juniors,generals,maidservants,romantic novels,French culture and even strangers…and hurt almost everyone every time he spoke.She’s an aggressive woman,she had a keen eye for marriage and often made a sharp point.When she mentioned Lady Harbury,she said,“I hadn’t been there since her poor husband’s death.I never saw a woman so altered; she looks quite twenty years younger.” Readers may doubt that how could a widow be so much younger,but it was reasonable that a woman finally got relieved.
  In that time,marriage was a burden.A man is the tool to get social status and income for a woman,while a woman is just what a man wants.Two people getting married did not necessarily need true love.But now,in our modern society,marriage is not only a sweet burden,but also means responsibilities and obligations.And a marriage without true love is certainly unstable and invalid,just like a building with week foundation that can’t stand long when strong wind and heavy rain come.
  The ideas of double sides and double identity of the main characters revealed in the play are good manifestations of people’s hypocrisy.The conversations between protagonists in the play also reflects the outlook on marriage and love of people in Victorian age.
  This paper has analyzed the characters——Jack, Algernon,Cecily,Gwedolen and Lady Bracknell,their personalities and their views on marriage and love have been discovered.Though Wilde deployed characters that were by now familiar: the Dandy lord,the overbearing matriarch,the woman with a past,the puritan young lady,his treatment is subtler than in his earlier comedies.Lady Bracknell,for instance,embodies respectable,bourgeois society in the play.More importantly,this paper tries to find some connections between this play and our modern society,and the relations between the two.
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2011年8月7日,2011年WCG中国區总决赛在上海光大会展中心落下帷幕。  除了各个项目的奖项花落备家外,wCG也产生了新一届出征2011WCG世界总决赛的中国国家队队伍。  当然这可能是你最陌生的一届电子竞技国家队。  今年的WCG中国区总决赛加入了更多的网游项目,而且网游项目直播时间已经开始渐渐挤占7传统电竞项目,DotA的两场半决赛都在副舞台直播,而CS的决赛千脆也搬到了副舞台。所以在最
【摘要】随着新课改的到来,国家教育部明确要求学校部门应当针对时代的特征,制定出一套完善的新型教育模式。这套教育模式应当切实的符合时代发展的特点。以小学英语课程标准为例,小学英语教学团队经过细致研究后,提出了一套全新的英语教育模式,这种模式名叫舞台式英语教学法,其有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,并不断的挖掘学生应有的潜能,最终不断的提升小学英语的教学质量。接下来本文将会对此展开详细的分析。  【关键词】小
关于蜀汉的兴亡,你首先会想到哪些地方?  有人会想到汉中,那里有刘备大军兴师渭水大破曹军的辉煌;有人会想到夷陵,蜀汉70万精锐在那里葬身鱼腹;还有人会想到宝鸡,诸葛丞相在那里“星落五丈原”……  但实际上,历史学家称:“蜀汉兴亡系涪城”。这句话的意思是——蜀汉的兴亡,都和一座古城密切相关。这座城以前叫做涪州,现今叫作绵阳。事实上,正是绵阳境内的六个关键地标,主宰了蜀汉的兴亡。  蜀汉之兴有三地见证
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【摘要】英语阅读能力的高低往往决定了一个人吸收有用信息的数量和质量。小学阶段是阅读习惯养成的最初阶段。因此,教师应通过各种探索,积极提升小学生的英语阅读能力。在课堂教学中,教师要以教材为基础,引导激趣。结合绘本阅读,逐步提升学生的词汇量和阅读能力。运用多元的评价方式,使学生参与阅读的兴趣不减。  【关键词】英语阅读能力;提升;探索  【作者简介】史久慧,合肥市西园新村小学南校汇林校区。  阅读是人
当一颗流星在黑暗的天空中划过,它留下的绚烂虽然足以让人铭记,但那闪亮的轨迹却转瞬即逝。韩国的忧郁王子Sweet,宛如这样的一颗流星。岁月的流逝,让他已经无法在冰封时代中驰骋;韩国的兵役制度,更是让他不得不和心爱的电子竞技说再见。  2008 年4 月,Sweet 宣布退役。  Sweet,拥有着忧郁眼神的单眼皮男生,也许赛场上激烈搏杀的他,并不是总象他的游戏名字这么甜蜜。2003 年,年仅18 岁
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