
来源 :传感技术学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonunderwater
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本文研究了在25%的四甲基氢氧化铵水溶液(TMAHW)中加入异丙醇(IPA)构成的腐蚀系统对硅的各向异性腐蚀特性.研究发现:在异丙醇含量从0%到80%体积比的广大范围内,溶液对硅均有显著的腐蚀作用,且表面质量比纯TMAHW的更好.实验给出了腐蚀速率、削角比和各向异性比R_(100)/R_(111)等参数与IPA含量的关系,结果表明:50%体积IPA与50%体积TMAHW构成的溶液存在腐蚀速率的极大值、削角的极小值和最大的各向异性比及R_(100)/R_(111).因之按此比例配制的新腐蚀液具有表面质量好,与MOS工艺相容以及低成本的优点. In this paper, we investigated the anisotropic corrosion behavior of silicon in 25% tetramethylammonium hydroxide aqueous solution (TMAHW) by adding isopropanol (IPA) .It is found that when the isopropanol content is from 0% to The results show that the solution has remarkable corrosion effect on silicon and the surface quality is better than that of pure TMAHW in a wide range of 80% by volume.The corrosion rate, chamfer ratio and anisotropy ratio R_ (100) / R_ (111) and IPA content. The results show that the maximum corrosion rate, the minimum value and the maximum anisotropy ratio of the solution and the solution of 50% volume IPA and 50% 100) / R 111. The new etching solution formulated in this ratio has the advantages of good surface quality, compatibility with MOS technology and low cost.
学习外语有两个途径,即习得与学习,或称归纳式学习与演绎式学习,两者相互区别,又相互促进,但无论是习得还是学习,都始于对输入的理解,对输入(指教学选择的听力和阅读材料)的理解是语言发展的先决条件。  一、 理论认识——谈谈输入与生成  输入的强化为再生成铺垫了道路。再生成,首先指生成具有共核特征的语篇,其次指生成类语境特征的语篇,还有一种自由生成,自由生成主要指语言交际活动中出现的创造性运用掌握语言
本文叙述了我国激光加工现状及其技术特点、激光加工的应用以及正在开发研究的项目。 This article describes the current situation of laser processing in China and it