
来源 :上海保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxi_xizi
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今年10月28日,第九届全国人大常委会第三十次会议通过了全国人大常委会关于修改《保险法》的决定,新保险法自2003年1月1日起施行。连日来我们已通过各种媒体看到了新的《保险法》在履行入世承诺、加强对被保险人利益的保护、强化保险监管、支持保险业的改革和发展、与国际接轨等方面的诸多可喜修订。比如,规定由保险公司自行制定条款和费率报监管机构审批或备案,改变了原先的颇有传统计划经济色彩的做法,把定价权交给了企业,交给了市场;增加了财产保险公司经营部分人身险业务的规定,令中国保险业与国际接轨迈出了一大步;规定保险人应当承担某些超越代理权限行为的保险责任,充分保护了消费者权益;等等。 On October 28 this year, the 30th meeting of the Ninth NPC Standing Committee passed the decision of the NPC Standing Committee on amending the “Insurance Law,” which came into force on January 1, 2003. In the past few days, we have seen through various media the many welcome revisions in implementing the new “Insurance Law” in fulfilling its WTO commitments, strengthening the protection of the interests of insureds, strengthening the insurance supervision, supporting the reform and development of the insurance industry, and keeping pace with international standards . For example, the provisions of the insurance company to develop its own terms and rates reported to regulatory authorities for approval or filing, has changed the color of the traditional quite traditional way of doing business, the pricing power to the business, to the market; an increase of property insurance companies Operating part of the life insurance business regulations, so that China’s insurance industry with the international community has taken a big step; provides that the insurer should bear some of the acts of insurance beyond the agency liability insurance, fully protect the rights and interests of consumers; and so on.
Unlike conventional power systems,the upcoming energy internet(EI) emphasizes comprehensive utilization of energy in the whole power system by coordinating mult
<正> 为履行我国加入WTO的承诺, 国家保险监管部门宣布:自2003年1月1日以后,由各保险公司自行制定机动车辆保险条款和费率,由此我国车险市场经历了一场巨大的变革,揭开了车险
In this paper a short-circuit computation(SCC) procedure for large-scale distribution systems with high penetration of distributed generators based on contempor
This paper examines the design concept and mobile control strategy of the human assistant robot I-PENTAR(inverted pendulum type assistant robot). The motion equat