建一所艾滋病医院,救治和收留那些没钱看病的艾滋病人或者父母双亡的艾滋病孤儿。曾毅2001年春天萌发了这个念头,但两年时间过去了,这座医院仍然只存在于他的想像里。 曾毅,中国社会科学院院士,艾滋病研究专家,中国预防性病/艾滋病基金会会长。这位现年74岁的老人,每天在忙碌的事情不仅包括继续进行艾滋病检测和防治研究的工作,他还扮演着社会活动家的角色,不懈地为艾滋病的预防宣传工作奔走。
Build an AIDS hospital to treat and shelter AIDS orphans who have no money to see a doctor or whose parents have died. Zeng Yi developed this idea in the spring of 2001, but two years later, the hospital still exists only in his imagination. Zeng Yi, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, an expert on AIDS research and the chairman of the Chinese Foundation for Preventive STD/AIDS. The 74-year-old man who is busy every day does not only continue to work on HIV testing and prevention research. He also plays the role of a social activist and tirelessly runs for AIDS prevention and prevention work.