
来源 :中国慢性病预防与控制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxuan_huang
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对粤北山区其生活环境、生活方式有明显差异的瑶、汉两族老年人群进行高血压病的现况与病例 -对照研究。1 材料与方法1.1 现况研究 整群抽取以瑶族居住为主的韶关市乳源县必背镇和以汉族居住为主的该县附城镇 6 0岁及以上的常住居民为调查对象。由具有一定经验的专科医师分 The current situation and case-control study of hypertension in Yao and Han elderly populations with significant differences in their living environment and lifestyle in northern mountainous areas of Guangdong Province. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Study on the status of the population The population was selected from Bibei, Ruyuan County, Shaoguan City, where the majority of Yao people lived, and permanent residents aged 60 years or older in the attached towns and cities of the county, mainly Hans, were the subjects of the survey. Divided by specialist doctors with some experience
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实现中心供应室电脑辅助管理。所有行政管理资料输入电脑 ,在 Word文件下进行编排、处理 ,所有监测资料和数据用 Excel进行处理 ,物品管理程序采用 Windows操作系统 ,用 Visu
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The first author is male, born in 1957, professor) Abstrast:Objective: To observe the effects of Shenchang-diwan on cerebral hemorrhage injury in rat. Method
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为了解基层卫生所安全注射的情况 ,采用按容量比例概率抽样法 ,随机抽取了南阳市 34个村卫生所 ,调查安全注射的情况及其可能的影响因素。结果经分析评判 ,有 2 3个卫生所做