评价了对儿童重型再生障碍性贫血(SAA)患者不用照射,经环磷酰胺(CPM)和抗胸腺细胞球蛋白(ATG)预处理,进行配型相合同胞供髓骨髓移植的疗效。为了促进骨髓恢复,移植后应用了粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)。 病例和方法 SAA12例,平均年龄3岁,其病因均不明。1例移植前曾用过类固醇药物,所有患者均接受多次输血。从诊断到移植的中数时间为1个月。输注供者的单个核细胞数至少为3×10~8/kg[(3~10)×10~8/kg]。11例由HLA配型相合的同胞供髓,1例同基因供髓。预处理方案为CPM50mg/kg,-5~-2天静脉注射;于第1、2、3次应用CPM12小时后给予ATG30mg/kg,静脉滴注12小时以上。预防移植物抗宿主病
We evaluated the efficacy of matched, matched sibling donor bone marrow transplantation in children with severe aplastic anemia (SAA) without irradiation, with cyclophosphamide (CPM) and antithymocyte globulin (ATG) pretreatment. To promote bone marrow recovery, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) was applied after transplantation. Cases and methods SAA12 cases, the average age of 3 years old, the etiology are not clear. One patient had steroid medication before transplantation and all had multiple transfusions. The median time from diagnosis to transplantation is 1 month. The number of mononuclear cells in the donor is at least 3 × 10-8 / kg [(3-10) × 10-8 / kg]. 11 cases were matched by sibling HLA matching donor, 1 case of the same gene for the marrow. Pretreatment protocol was CPM50mg / kg, -5 ~ -2 days intravenous injection; in the first, second and third application of CPM 12 hours after given ATG30mg / kg, intravenous infusion of more than 12 hours. Prevention of graft versus host disease