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我国的装载机制造行业是从50年代末开始发展起来的。由于装载机本身所具有的良好使用性能和在工程建设中获得的实际效益,尽管购买这个产品的一次投资很大,但还是愈来愈受到建设单位(包括个体使用者)的欢迎。建设的需求,极大地促进了装载机行业的高速发展,据统计,我国1980~1985年装载机生产平均增长率为33.7%,到目前为止,全国约有30家主机生产企业,5万多从业人员直接从事装载机产品的生产,同时,还有扩大和发展之趋势。 China’s loader manufacturing industry began to develop from the late 1950s. Due to the good use performance of the loader itself and the actual benefits obtained in the project construction, despite the large investment in the purchase of this product, it is increasingly welcomed by the construction unit (including individual users). The demand for construction has greatly promoted the rapid development of the loader industry. According to statistics, the average growth rate of loader production in China from 1980 to 1985 was 33.7%. So far, there are about 30 host manufacturing enterprises in the country and more than 50,000 employees. The personnel are directly engaged in the production of loader products. At the same time, there are also trends of expansion and development.
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津巴布韦是世界上第三大石棉生产国,仅次于苏联和加拿大。津巴布韦在 Zvishavane 和 Mashava 地区有两座石棉矿山,该矿山开采于1906年。目前石棉矿石处理量每月为29万吨,年
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1.标准化检查的目的和任务 1.1 标准化检查的目的 a.扩大对标准化和统一化的零、组件的采用。 b.最大限度的贯彻国家标准、部标准和企业标准。 c.保证提高图样和技术文件的质
机电工业勘察设计协会等备组: 你们报来关于申请成立机械电子行业勘察设计协会的报告收悉。经研究,同意成立机械电子行业勘察设计协会,业务受部建设协调司指导。协会经费来