巧用旋转法 妙证几何题

来源 :中学生数理化(八年级数学)(人教版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huhuairen
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旋转法是几何证题中一种很重要的解题技巧.在同一平面内,将图形的某一部分按特定的条件旋转一个角度,把分散的条件和结论相对集中起来,使图形中的相关部分发生新的联系,能使已知和未知得到更好的沟通,从而使问题化难为易,化繁为简.现就旋转法在几何证题中的应用举例加以说明,供同学们参考. Rotation method is a very important problem-solving technique in geometrical test. In the same plane, a certain part of the graph is rotated by an angle according to specific conditions, and the scattered conditions and conclusions are relatively concentrated to make the relevant part of the graph. The occurrence of new connections can make known and unknown communicate better, so that the problem is difficult to change, and the complexity is simplified. Now we will give an example of the application of the rotating method in geometrical proofs for students’ reference.