子宫内与输卵管同时妊娠极为少见。我院1984年收治1例,现报告如下: 段××,25岁,因停经40天,下腹剧痛伴阴道少量流血近两小时,虚脱1次,于1984年7月6日入院。末次月经1984年5月27日。孕1产0。平素月经规则,无痛经史。患者于7月6日上午9时,无任何诱因,突然下腹疼痛伴阴道少量流血,约40分钟后,腹痛加剧伴出冷汗、头晕、眼花、心悸而昏倒1次,
Intrauterine and tubal pregnancy is extremely rare at the same time. Our hospital admitted to a case in 1984, the report is as follows: Section XX, 25 years old, due to menopause 40 days, abdominal pain with vaginal bleeding for nearly two hours, a collapse, on July 6, 1984 admitted. The last menstruation May 27, 1984. Pregnancy 1 production 0. Normal menstrual rules, history of painless. Patients at 9 o’clock on the July 6, without any incentive, a sudden abdominal pain with a small amount of vaginal bleeding, about 40 minutes later, increased abdominal pain accompanied by cold sweat, dizziness, vertigo, palpitations and collapsed 1 times,