本世纪六十年代后期,苏联将高压氧(HBO)疗法应用于产科领域,近年来日趋广泛,积累了大量经验,并取得了较好的疗效。一、先兆流产 Pobedinsky单独使用HBO及HBO与作用于下丘脑-垂体-卵巢系统的药物联合治疗158例先兆流产及胎儿胎盘功能不全的孕妇,同时测定垂体促性腺激素、卵巢及肾上腺类固醇和胎盘激素,并用心电图、心音图及胎儿超声波观察。结果显示,患者的各激素间发生变化,从而达到保胎及改善胎盘功能、延长妊娠的效应。二、妊娠中毒症
The late 1960s, the Soviet Union will hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy applied to the field of obstetrics, in recent years has become increasingly widespread, accumulated a large number of experience, and achieved good results. First, threatened abortion Pobedinsky alone HBO and HBO and the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system of drugs in 158 cases of threatened abortion and fetal placental insufficiency of pregnant women, simultaneous determination of pituitary gonadotropin, ovarian and adrenal steroids and placental hormone , And with ECG, phonocardiogram and fetal ultrasound observation. The results showed that the patient’s hormones change, so as to achieve miscarriage and improve placental function, prolong the effect of pregnancy. Second, pregnancy poisoning