基于 TCP/IP 协议的国际互联网是一把双刃剑,从国际互联网诞生之日起,特别是20世纪90年代以来,互联网已经成为了人们学习、科研、工作和贸易等各方面不可或缺的主要工具。与此同时,它也成了各种居心之徒的众矢之敌。成千上万的口令和密码在互联网上被窃取,序列数猜测攻击被用来冒充 IP,从国内外金融、军事、政府等行业发生的信息安全事件及2001年5月的中美黑客大战实际可以看出,网络安全不容乐观。
The Internet based on the TCP / IP protocol is a double-edged sword. Since the founding of the Internet, especially since the 1990s, the Internet has become indispensable for people’s study, research, work and trade. The main tool. At the same time, it has also become the enemy of all kinds of hearts and minds. Hundreds of thousands of passwords and passwords were stolen on the Internet, and the number of guessing attacks was used to impersonate IP. From the information security incidents in the financial, military and government sectors at home and abroad, and the actual hacker war between China and the United States in May 2001 It can be seen that network security is not optimistic.