网上一度流传过一份小资四六级考试试题,其中一个问题是“什么矿泉水与荔枝同食,会有香槟的味道?”受过亦舒小说启蒙的一代女白领,大约都会立刻露出会心的微笑——还会有别的答案吗? Perrier——庇利埃——巴黎水,一种时至今日仍主要装在古典的深绿色玻璃瓶子中出售的商品。一瓶要“伴着一点儿奇闻轶事、一点儿伶俐狡猾、一点儿出乎意料和一点儿不列颠口音”享用的水中香槟。1863年6月23日,当拿破仑三世以“法兰西利益”的名义,向尼姆城畔Vergeze小镇中的“沸腾之水”(Les Bouillens)泉眼颁发经营特许令时,应该不会想到,有朝一日,会从这个泉眼流出一个彻底改变人们生活消费观念和方式的庞大产业——价值460亿美元的瓶装水市场。
The Internet once passed through a 4th and 6th grade examination paper for the Petty Bourgeoisie. One of the questions was: “What mineral water is the same as litchi and there will be a taste of champagne?” A generation of female white-collar workers who have been enlightened in the novels of Yi Yishu will immediately reveal a thoughtful smile. - Will there be other answers? Perrier - Pellegris - Parisian water, a commodity that is still mainly sold in classical dark green glass bottles. A bottle of champagne in water that is to be accompanied by a bit of anecdote, a bit of noise, a bit of surprise and a bit of British accent. On June 23, 1863, when Napoleon III issued a franchise order for the “Les Bouillens” spring in Vergeze, a town on the edge of Nimes, in the name of “French interest,” he should not think that one day From this fountain, we will embark on a huge industry that will completely change people’s consumption concepts and methods – a $46 billion bottled water market.