现场调查结果表明,放射性厂矿包括铀矿山、水冶、冶炼、辐照及燃料后处理作业的职工中、乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)的检出率和对照人群没有明显差异;放射性厂矿中流行的肝炎与职业因素看不出有何相关,主要是病毒性肝炎感染的结果。肝癌的病因是多方面的,肝炎与肝硬化也是诱发癌变的病因之一。最近有人报告,有肝病史的人群中肝癌旧发病率比自然人群高出22—30倍。本文主要对某矿山有肝病史的职工进行甲胎蛋白(AFP)的检测。以反问间接血凝法作初筛、~(921)I 放射自显影火箭电泳定量并以对流电泳对比,目的在于观察铀矿山职工中肝癌的发病情况,为防治工作提供资料。
The field survey results showed that the detection rate of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) among workers in radioactive factories and mines, including uranium mines, hydrometallurgy, metallurgy, irradiation and fuel reprocessing, showed no significant difference from that of the control population; prevalence in radioactive mines Hepatitis and occupational factors do not see any correlation, mainly as a result of viral hepatitis infection. The causes of liver cancer are many, hepatitis and cirrhosis is one of the causes of carcinogenesis. Recently, it was reported that the incidence of liver cancer in people with a history of liver disease is 22-30 times higher than in the natural population. In this paper, the detection of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) is mainly carried out in workers with a history of liver disease in a mine. In order to reverse the indirect hemagglutination for screening, ~ (921) I autoradiography rocket electrophoresis quantitative and compared by convection electrophoresis, the purpose is to observe the uranium mine workers in the incidence of liver cancer, provide information for prevention and treatment.