甜菜对硼元素最为敏感 ,是最易缺硼的作物 ,其需要量比禾谷类作物高5~6倍 ,当甜菜田速效硼含量低于其缺硼临界值0 5mg/kg 土(用沸水提取)时 ,应适时适量施用硼肥 ,以保证甜菜生长发育对硼的需要。采种甜菜施硼一般可使采种产量提高13 %左右。(一)甜菜缺硼症状
Beet is most sensitive to boron and is the most vulnerable to boron deficiency. Its requirement is 5-6 times higher than that of cereals. When the content of available boron in beet is lower than 0 5 mg / kg of boron deficiency (extracted with boiling water ), Should be timely and appropriate application of boron fertilizer, sugar beet growth and development to ensure the needs of boron. Seed planting sugar beet generally can increase seed production about 13%. (A) beet lack of boron symptoms