找准切口 重点发力——部编教材七年级下册第二单元重难点分析

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部编《道德与法治》七年级下册第二单元,承接第一单元青春时光主题,从情绪情感角度,对初中生进行心理素质和道德品质教育。一、单元整体架构正处于青春期的初中学生,容易出现“疯狂”或“寂静”两种极端情绪,情绪偏差易导致行为偏差。帮助学生正确认识自我、发展品格、健全人格是道德与法治课程的重要内容。第二单元以“做情绪情感的主人”为题,聚焦 Department of “morality and the rule of law” seventh grade volume second unit, to undertake the first unit of youth theme, from the emotional point of view of emotion, psychological quality and moral quality of education for junior high school students. First, the overall structure of the unit is in adolescent junior high school students, prone to “crazy ” or “silence ” two extreme emotions, emotional bias easily lead to behavioral bias. To help students to correctly understand themselves, develop their character and perfect their personality are the important contents of the course of morality and law. The second unit to “do emotion and emotion of the host ” title, focus
一、问题的提出  作为江苏省列席教师之一,笔者于2016年11月参加了在湖南长沙举行的第30届中国化学奥林匹克决赛。该赛事是中国高中化学最高赛事,分理论考试和实验考试两部分,最终成绩按理论占比百分之六十、实验占比百分之四十综合计算。高手如云是对参赛学生的整体评价,跌宕起伏却是对理论成绩排名与理论和实验综合成绩排名的体会。部分理论成绩获得高分的学生,在加上实验成绩后排名一落千丈。笔者不禁深思,能奋笔