
来源 :水运工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youjiaxiaogege
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1978至1980三年间,世界上有好几座堆石式和沉箱式防波堤相继毁于大风暴,使人们对现行设计方法的可靠性产生了怀疑。例如葡萄牙锡尼斯港的堆石防波堤,按百年一遇的大风浪、有效波高11米设计,在堆石堤心上依次堆放三层扭工字体护面块:0.25~ In the three years between 1978 and 1980, several rockfill and caisson breakwaters in the world were successively destroyed by major storms, raising doubts about the reliability of current design methods. For example, the port of Peniscola, Portugal, is designed for stacking rockfill breakwater, which is designed according to the once-in-a-century windstorm and effective wave height of 11 meters.
己亥年七月,和五六个好友结伴,穿陕甘,过青海,越过唐古拉山口,到西藏闲游。对于西藏,我的期想是,举首抚慰一次洁净的蓝天,用风尘的脸颊去静静拂拭一片西藏的白云,然后能俯下心神,凝目一朵一朵那片旷野上摇曳绽放的格桑花。  在海拔五千多米的米拉山垭口,我终于邂逅了一次高原上的格桑花们。在骤风把经幡吹得猎猎作响,把石粒吹打得飞沙走石,把人吹推得趔趔趄趄的贫寒高地上,它们依旧默默地绽开和摇曳着,仿佛一坨一坨
【Abstract】Buzzwords are words or phrases that have become fashionable and popular. As a lexical phenomenon, buzzwords reflect issues of common concern of a particular country during a particular perio