目的:评价超声对膝关节半月板损伤诊断中的价值及临床意义。方法对35例膝关节半月板损伤的患者进行术前超声检查,共检查70个半月板,分析结果并与关节镜及手术结果进行对照。结果超声诊断半月板损伤准确性80.0%,内侧半月板损伤准确性75.5%,外侧半月板损伤准确性86.7%。(半月板前角损伤准确性93.3%,后角损伤准确性76.9%)。结论超声具有无创伤,无痛苦,无放射性,能直接显示半月板内部结构,并且重复性好,可以用于动态观察病情的发展等优点,且对半月板损伤诊断的准确性较高,可作为临床诊断半月板损伤的重要辅助方法。“,”Objective To evaluate the ultrasound diagnosis of knee meniscus injury and clinical significance. Methods 35 cases of knee meniscus injury in patients with preoperative ultrasonography, 70 menisci were examined, the results with arthroscopic surgery and the results were compared. Results The accuracy of the results of ultrasound meniscus80.0%accuracy75.5% medial meniscus and lateral meniscus accuracy86.7%. (Meniscus anterior horn of the accuracy of 93.3% damage, damage to the posterior horn of the accuracy of 76.9%). Conclusion ultrasound findings with non-invasive, painless, non-radioactive, can directly display the internal structure of the meniscus, and reproducible, can be used for dynamic observation of disease development advantages, and high diagnostic accuracy of meniscal injury, the clinical diagnosis of meniscus injury as an important auxiliary method.