河南省襄城县供电局结合该县“农业大县”的实际情况,开动脑筋想办法,管住了农村电价,也管好了农村电工。他们在实践中积累了“十二字经验”,即:砍尖子、摘帽子、掂兜子、树样子。 砍尖子,就是集中整治电价过高的“冒尖”村。前几年,襄城县部分村电价比一般村高出2倍多,有些群众忍气吞声,自愿“黑灯瞎火”;有些群众则到处告村电工,告村干部,干群情绪对立,影响农村稳定。该局同物价部门调查研究后,本着政策能允许,群众能接受,
The Yucheng County Power Supply Bureau of Henan Province combined the actual conditions of the county’s “big agricultural county” and used its brains to find a way to control the rural electricity prices and also managed rural electricians. In practice, they have accumulated “twelve-word experience,” namely: cut tops, hats, pockets, trees. Cutting down the tops is to focus on rectifying the “rising” village where the electricity price is too high. In previous years, the price of electricity in some villages in Rucheng County was more than twice as high as that of ordinary villages. Some people have swallowed it up and volunteered to “light up the fire;” Some people have reported to village electricians everywhere and reported to village officials that their cadres are emotionally antagonistic and affect rural stability. After the investigation and research conducted by the Bureau and the price department, the policy allows it to be accepted by the masses.