Simultaneous determination of seven prohibited substances in cosmetic products by liquid chromatogra

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:engineer2007
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In this paper,we developed and validated a simple,sensitive,and selective high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(HPLC-MS/MS) method to identify and measure the following prohibited substances that may be found in cosmetic products:minoxidil,hydrocortisone, spironolactone,estrone,canrenone,triamcinolone acetonide and progesterone.Chromatographic separation was performed on a Waters Symmetry C18(100 mm×2.1 mm,3.5μm particle size) with a gradient elution system composed of 0.2%(v/v) formic acid aqueous solution and methanol containing 0.2%(v/v) formic acid at a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min.The substances were detected using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in the multiple reaction monitoring mode with an electrospray ionization source.All of the calibration curves showed good linearity(r > 0.999) within the tested concentration ranges.The limit of detection was <25 pg.The relative standard deviations for intraday precision for each of the prohibited substances were <3.5%at two concentration levels(2μg/g,10μg/g). The relative recovery rate for each of the prohibited substances ranged from 91.8%to 111%at three concentration levels(0.1μg/g,2μg/g,10μg/g),including the limit of quantification.In conclusion,we have developed and validated a method that can identify seven prohibited substances in cosmetic products. In this paper, we developed and validated a simple, sensitive, and selective high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS / MS) method to identify and measure the following prohibited substances that may be found in cosmetic products: minoxidil, hydrocortisone, spironolactone, estrone, canrenone, triamcinolone acetonide and progesterone. Chromatographic separation was performed on a Waters Symmetry C18 (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 3.5 μm particle size) with a gradient elution system composed of 0.2% (v / v) aqueous solution and methanol containing 0.2% (v / v) formic acid at a flow rate of 0.3 mL / min. The substances were detected using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in the multiple reaction monitoring mode with an electrospray ionization source. All of the calibration curves showed good linearity (r> 0.999) within the tested concentration range. The limit of detection was <25 pg. the relative standard deviations for intraday precision for each of the prohibited substances w ere <3.5% at two concentration levels (2 μg / g, 10 μg / g) The relative recovery rate for each of the prohibited substances ranged from 91.8% to 111% at three concentration levels (0.1 μg / g, / g), including the limit of quantification. conclusion, we have developed and validated a method that can identify seven prohibited substances in cosmetic products.
在开设舞蹈专业的高等院校中,普拉提作为一种辅助训练,已经逐渐成熟并且呈现于课堂中。它秉承着因材施教的原则,对于芭蕾舞专业和中国舞专业的学生来说,其教学目的也有所不同。笔者以上海戏剧学院舞蹈学院芭蕾舞专业2014级本科学生和中国舞专业2014级本科学生为对象,进行了一学期的普拉提课程观摩,总结出普拉提训练在两个专业之间的教学目的的不同之处,为今后提高舞蹈训练的效率以及成效打下基础。  普拉提作为一种
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申请人范某系某单位职工,2014年年初发生工伤在医疗治疗一段时间后回单位上班。2014年12月,范某提出休年假。单位没有批准,理由是范某因工伤享受的停工医疗期已经超过年休假假期。双方发生争议后,范某向当地的劳动人事争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。  申诉人  说白了,单位就是想克扣我的假期。明明是两个假,偏偏混为一谈。单位需要人干活,但人也需要休息啊,不然国家规定那么多假干吗呢?  被诉人  一个单位要运