共产党员雷佰成是广西田东县林逢镇坛河村个体屠宰户。1997年以来,他就在坛河村经营屠宰生意,他热情周到,从不短斤少两,因此,生意越做越红火,成了当地信得过的个体户。 雷佰成也经历了从逃避纳税到致富不忘国家,积极照章纳税的过程。自从纳税观念转变后,他每月总是按照税务机关核定的“双定”(定期定额)税额及时足额缴纳入库,从未因任何情况延误过。5年来,年年被评为田东县先进
Party member Lei Bai Cheng Tian Tan Lin Tiandong Tiaokou individual slaughterhouse. Since 1997, he has been slaughtering business in the altar river village. He is passionate and considerate, and never fails to lose himself. As a result, his business has become increasingly prosperous and has become a locally trusted self-employed. Lei Bai Cheng has also gone from evading taxes to the country did not forget to get rich, and actively pay the tax according to the process. Since the concept of tax payment has changed, he is always in accordance with the tax authorities approved the “double set” (regular) tax paid in full and timely storage, has never been delayed in any case. 5 years, every year was named Tiandong advanced