典型报道是舆论宣传的“重型武器”,它对人们的教育、激励作用是一般常规报道难以比拟的。相反,那些虚假、失真、失实的典型报道对人们心理上造成的负面影响也是不可低估的。近年来,经过持续不断的新闻“打假”,虚假、失真、失实的典型报道较之原先虽已大为减少,但并未彻底绝迹。因此,在认真做好典型报道宣传的同时,谨防典型报道的负效应。仍是各新闻媒体面临的重要课题。 在典型宣传中,哪些报道最容易给读者带来负
The typical report is a “heavy weapon” propagated by the public opinion. It is incomparable to the ordinary reports on people’s education and motivation. On the contrary, those who are false, distorted, false reports of the negative impact on people psychologically can not be underestimated. In recent years, after continuous news of “crackdown”, the typical stories of falsehood, distortion and misrepresentation have been greatly reduced compared with the previous ones, but they have not completely disappeared. Therefore, in doing a good job of typical coverage of the report, we should guard against the negative effects of typical reports. Is still an important issue facing various news media. In the typical publicity, which reports are most likely to bring negative to readers