DCS-50 Electronic Digital Bag Weighing Scale Changsha Weighing Apparatus Factory introduced advanced technology of American HCR Weighing Apparatus Company and developed new products through digestion and absorption. It passed the technical appraisal in Changsha recently. The product by the China Institute of Metrology product stereotyping test, the accuracy of 0.2, the maximum rate of up to 800 times / hour. The main technical performance indicators: a quantitative value of 50kg ± 20%; accuracy of 0.2; the smallest index value of 20g; bagging speed of 600 to 800 bags / time, up to 1000 bags / hour. The product trial in the Zijiang nitrogen fertilizer plant to bring better economic benefits to the plant, reducing the weight of urea single package a gain of 80,000 yuan in two months, accounting for half of the total investment by the State Commodity Inspection Bureau test pass. The product can be used for sugar, salt industry, food, chemical