“赢得风流后代夸”。北宋流传至今的长卷风俗画《清明上河图》,是一幅稀世珍宝杰作。它与唐人韩混绘制的《五牛图》一样,被誉为画苑“国宝”。这一画卷系绢本,淡着色。原件纵24.8厘米,横528.7厘米;如今珍藏在北京故宫博物院里。八百多年来,历经兵燹,几遭劫难,素为收藏名家所把玩、鉴赏,其间留下了不少妙语佳话。 工笔画名作《清明上河图》的作者张择端,是宋代翰林画院的待诏。今山东诸城人,字正道。年轻时来到今河南开封的汴京
“Win the romantic affluence”. The long scroll genre painting that has been circulating in the Northern Song Dynasty so far has been a masterpiece of rare treasures. It is the same as the “Five Beef Cattle” that the Chinese and South Koreans mixed and painted, and is reputed as the “National Treasure” of the painting house. This picture is of silk, light color. Original vertical 24.8 cm, horizontal 528.7 cm; now collected in the Beijing Palace Museum. For more than eight hundred years, after a series of trials and tribulations, several catastrophes, as the collection of famous play, appreciation, during which left a lot of witty stories. Zhang Zuidian, the author of the fine brushwork masterpiece “Qingming Riverside”, was to be the emperor of Hanlin Academy of Song Dynasty. Zhucheng, Shandong people, the word right way. When he was young, he came to Kaifeng, Henan Bianjing