推出本期策划,源于内心一种清冽的欲望。 基础教育第八次课程改革,我们曾经那样急切地期盼过,曾经那样细致地描绘过,曾经那样热烈地憧憬过。今天,我们依然立于茫茫长夜之中,苦苦等待着黎明的到来。 回头看看走过的路,心中总不免有些许喟叹:点点滴滴的追求里夹杂着慷慨激昂的毁损;含辛茹苦的奋斗中掺和着振振有词的抵御;冰天雪地中行走还
The introduction of this period of planning, from the heart of a clear desire. In the eighth curriculum reform of basic education, we once eagerly hoped for it. Once we have described it in detail, we have been so enthusiastic. Today, we are still standing in the middle of long nights, waiting for the arrival of the dawn. Looking back at the way I walked, my heart always feels a little guilty: the pursuit of bits and pieces is implicated with impetuous destruction; the arduous struggle is mingled with the plausibility of the word; walking in the snow and ice