中国兵工学会压力加工学会 四川兵工学会锻压专业委员会模具研讨会纪要

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中国兵工学会压力加工学会和四川省兵工学会锻压专业委员会于十月十日至十三日在四川都江堰市召开了模具研讨会.有来至五个省市十三个单位的十八名代表.会议内容有四项:1、赴国外考察的专家介绍国外模具设计及制造情况;2、CAD/CAM技术在模具设计中的应用;3、模具设计和制造的经验交流;4、研讨模具发展的趋势和任务.会议主要围绕如何振兴兵器模具行业的问题进行了讨论.指出了模具行业当前存在的主要问题是:1 模具专业化标准化程度低,模具生产能力分散.缺乏模具的行业管理和全局统筹规划,协作配套差,专业化协作网点未能形成.2 模具技术改造投资少,设备陈旧老化现象普遍存在,急需更新换代.也缺乏兵器模具行业的扶持优惠政策,积极性未能发挥.3 模具制造周期长,经济效益低,模具技术水平没有根本的提高.模具的CAD/CAM技术应用较差,有的工厂引进的计算机数控(CNC)设备未能充分发挥其功能作用.对多工位、大型、精密、复杂、长寿命模具的制造仍较困难,大部分依靠进口.4 没有组织模具技术的培训和交流,缺乏模具技术的人才培训,培养及模具新技术的开发推广,应用和交流的组织实体机构.各位专家还提出一些措施和建议,促成模具的振兴.会议中代表们介绍了国内外模具设计和加工的现况,进行了学术交流,观看了模具制造技术的录相资料.重庆长安机器厂王文豹高级工程师作了“日本汽车模具技术及其管理”的报告.到会出国考察过的专家都汇报了模具方面的内容,特别是CAD/CAM技术的应用情况.清华大学、山东工业大学、嘉陵机器厂的代表分别作了“激光快速成形技术”、“飞边量可控模锻设计技术及其在生产中的应用”、“提高倒装复式冲裁模强度措施”等学术报告. The Ordnance Society of China Ordnance Society and the Sichuan Province Ordnance Society Forging Professional Committee held a symposium in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province from October 10th to the 13th. There were 18 units from 13 units in five provinces and cities. Representatives. There are four items in the meeting: 1. Experts who visited abroad introduced the design and manufacturing of foreign molds; 2. The application of CAD/CAM technology in mold design; 3. The exchange of experience in mold design and manufacturing; 4. The study mold Development trends and tasks. The meeting focused on issues related to how to revitalize the weapon mold industry. It pointed out that the current major problems in the mold industry are: 1 Low degree of standardization of mold specialization, dispersive mold production capacity, and lack of mold industry management and Global overall planning, poor coordination and cooperation, and the failure to form specialized collaborative networks. 2 The investment in the technological transformation of molds is relatively low, the aging of equipment is widespread, and there is an urgent need for upgrading. There is also a lack of preferential policies for the support of the weapon mold industry. The enthusiasm has not been achieved. The mold manufacturing cycle is long, the economic efficiency is low, and the mold technology level has not been fundamentally improved. The CAD/CAM technology of the mold is poorly applied, and some factories cited The computer numerical control (CNC) equipment has not fully exerted its function. It is still difficult to manufacture multi-station, large-scale, sophisticated, complex, and long-life molds. Most of them rely on imports. 4 There is no training and exchange of tissue mold technology. Lack of training in talents for mold technology, training and development of new molds, application and exchange of organizational entities. Experts also proposed some measures and suggestions to promote the rejuvenation of molds. The delegates at the meeting introduced the design and manufacture of molds at home and abroad. The current situation of the academic exchanges and the video information of the mold manufacturing technology were watched. Senior engineer Wang Wenbao from Chongqing Chang’an Machinery Factory made a report on the “Japan’s auto mold technology and its management.” Experts who had visited the country before the visit were all experts. Reported the contents of the mold, especially the application of CAD/CAM technology. Representatives of Tsinghua University, Shandong University of Technology, and Jialing Machinery Factory made “laser rapid prototyping technology” and “flashing edge controllable forging Design technology and its application in production ”, “ increase the intensity of flip-folding double punch die ” and other academic reports.
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