Eight cases of nonfunctioning islet cell tumors were reported. There were 4 males and 4 females. The average age of females was 38 years old and 57.25 males. The tumors were located in the pancreatic head in 5 cases and body in 3 cases; benign in 7 cases, malignant in 1 case, and cystic degeneration in 3 cases. The tumor is up to 25cm x 15cm x 13cm. Three patients underwent tumor enucleation; four patients underwent partial resection of the pancreatic head, closed end of the pancreatic head, and Roux-en-Y anastomosis of the distal end of the pancreatic body with jejunum: only one patient underwent biopsy. Only 1 patient diagnosed with this disease before surgery in this group was diagnosed. The low preoperative diagnosis rate was mainly due to the lack of understanding of the clinical features of this disease. According to clinical features, combined with B-ultrasonography, ERCP, CT, angiography, and cystic fluid cytology and cystic fluid analysis, preoperative diagnosis of the disease is possible. If the disease is benign, complete removal of the tumor or partial removal of the pancreas together with the tumor; if malignant, the indication for surgery and the choice of surgical approach are the same as for pancreatic cancer.