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报道8例无功能性胰岛细胞瘤。男女各4例,女性年龄平均为38岁,男性为57.25岁。肿瘤位于胰头部5例,体部3例;良性7例,恶性1例,发生囊性变者3例。肿瘤最大达25cm×15cm×13cm。3例行肿瘤摘除术;4例行胰头体部分切除、胰头断端缝闭,胰体断端与空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术:仅1例作活检。本组术前确诊为本病者仅1例,术前诊断率低主要是对本病的临床特征缺乏认识。根据临床特征,结合B超、ERCP、CT、血管造影以及囊液细胞学检查和囊液分析等,本病的术前诊断是可能的。本病如为良性,完整摘除肿瘤或连同肿瘤在内的胰腺部分切除;如为恶性,则手术适应证和手术方式的选择同胰腺癌。 Eight cases of nonfunctioning islet cell tumors were reported. There were 4 males and 4 females. The average age of females was 38 years old and 57.25 males. The tumors were located in the pancreatic head in 5 cases and body in 3 cases; benign in 7 cases, malignant in 1 case, and cystic degeneration in 3 cases. The tumor is up to 25cm x 15cm x 13cm. Three patients underwent tumor enucleation; four patients underwent partial resection of the pancreatic head, closed end of the pancreatic head, and Roux-en-Y anastomosis of the distal end of the pancreatic body with jejunum: only one patient underwent biopsy. Only 1 patient diagnosed with this disease before surgery in this group was diagnosed. The low preoperative diagnosis rate was mainly due to the lack of understanding of the clinical features of this disease. According to clinical features, combined with B-ultrasonography, ERCP, CT, angiography, and cystic fluid cytology and cystic fluid analysis, preoperative diagnosis of the disease is possible. If the disease is benign, complete removal of the tumor or partial removal of the pancreas together with the tumor; if malignant, the indication for surgery and the choice of surgical approach are the same as for pancreatic cancer.
《语文课程标准》中指出:“语文课程要加强综合性,沟通与其他学科之间的联系,沟通与生活的联系,在语文课程中学到其他方面的知识和方法;在其他课程、其他场 The Chinese Lan
The Creation Myth plays an important role in the historic culture of a nation. We can find some special connotations through analyzing the basic elements of the