第五届全国分析化学年会于10月23日至28日在南京隆重举行。来自全国二十八个省市自治区(除西藏,海南和台湾省外)的325名代表参加了大会。 本届年会继1991年第四届年会以来我国分析化学界层次最高、规模最大的盛会。我国著名分析化学家中科院院士高鸿,高小霞,汪尔康,俞汝勤,沈天慧教授出席了大会。德高望重的老前辈、中科院院士戴安邦,梁树权教授担任名誉主席。高鸿、高小霞院士任大会主席并分别主持了大会开幕式和闭幕式。在开幕式上,先由南京大学陈洪渊教授代表筹委会向大会报告此次年会的筹备经过,南京大学副校长李邨教授致欢迎词,分析化学委员会主任汪尔康院士致开幕词,江苏省人大常委会副主任吴锡军教授致贺词。开幕式上还颁发了首届“梁树权分析化学奖”,王小如、王柯敏教授获此殊荣。开幕式后,著名分析化学家汪尔康,俞汝勤,徐晓白,孙亦樑,程介克,王敬尊教授以及南大留美人员、现美国拜尔—迈尔斯公司质谱研究室主任黄乐群博士作了大会报告。
The Fifth Annual Meeting of National Analytical Chemistry was held in Nanjing from October 23 to 28. Thirty-two representatives from 28 provinces (except Tibet, Hainan and Taiwan) attended the meeting. Since the fourth annual conference in 1991, this annual conference has the highest level and the largest event in the field of analytical chemistry in our country. Prof. Gao Hong, Gao Xiaoxia, Wang Erkang, Yu Ruqin and Shen Tianhui, academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences, famous analytical chemists in our country attended the conference. Respected predecessors, Chinese Academy of Sciences Dai Anbang, Professor Liang Shuquan served as honorary chairman. Gao Hong, Gao Xiaoxia, chairman of the Assembly and presided over the opening and closing ceremonies respectively. At the opening ceremony, Prof. Chen Hongyuan from Nanjing University reported on the preparatory work for the conference. Professor Li Cun, vice chancellor of Nanjing University, gave a welcome speech and academician Wang Erkang, director of the Analytical Chemistry Committee, delivered an opening speech. Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress Wu Xijun, deputy director of the Standing Committee, delivered a message of congratulation. The opening ceremony also presented the first “Liang Shuquan Analytical Chemistry Award”, Wang Xiaoru, Professor Wang Kemin won this award. After the opening ceremony, the well-known analytical chemists Wang Erkang, Yu Ruqin, Xu Xiaobai, Sun Yiliang, Cheng Jieke, Professor Wang Jingzun and the South American staff, now the United States Bayer-Myers company Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Dr. Dr. Huang Lequn made a report.