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北洋军阀统治时期 ,各种类型的兵变接连不断地在全国各地爆发。这个时期的兵变是由拖欠克扣军饷、官长压迫虐待、裁减遣散军队、兵匪勾结、革命党人运动军队 ,以及反动军阀为达到个人目的蓄意煽动等多种原因而导致的。这些兵变具有发生频率极高、地域分布广泛、规模大小不等、单纯劫掠烧杀形式兵变居多等突出特点。频繁发生的兵变是军阀政权统治危机不断加深的具体表现 ,其社会危害性极大 During the reign of the Beiyang warlords, various types of mutiny successively broke out all over the country. The mutinies of this period were caused by many factors, such as the arrears of deduction of wages, the suppression by government officials, the reduction of demobilized troops, the collusion of soldiers and bandits, the army of the revolutionary movement, and the deliberate incitement of the reactionary warlords to achieve their personal ends. These mutinoes have the salient features of high frequency of occurrence, widespread geographical distribution, large and small scale, simple looting and burning of infantry, etc. Frequent mutinies are a concrete manifestation of the deepening crisis in the rule of the warlord regime and its great social harm