目的 :分析黔南州 1996~ 2 0 0 0年麻疹流行特征和流行因素 ,为制定防治对策与措施提供依据。方法 :对有关数据进行统计分析。结果 :麻疹年均发病率为 3 3 .91/10万 ,死亡率为 0 .3 1/10万 ,3~ 4年为一个流行周期 ,发病高峰月为3~ 5月 ,10岁内儿童发病占 83 .5 %。 1999年~ 2 0 0 0年麻疹爆发病例占报告病例数的 3 9.3 %~ 5 1.8% ,病例有明确免疫史的占 47.5 % ,全州估计接种率为 76.5 %~ 78.7%。麻疹发病回升 ,爆发是影响发病率的重要因素。接种率和接种质量低是直接原因 ,经费投入不足、乡镇卫生院管理不顺、基层卫生院管理人员工资拖欠、督促检查不力、疫情报告延迟是其影响因素。结论 :积极拓宽计划免疫筹资渠道、加强常规免疫提高接种率、及提高接种质量、开展强化免疫扫除免空白儿童、加强督导力度和疫情监测管理 ,是该州控制和消除麻疹需要采取的对策和措施
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiological and epidemic characteristics of measles in Qiannan Prefecture from 1996 to 2000, and provide the basis for making prevention and cure measures and measures. Methods: Statistical analysis of the data. Results: The average annual incidence rate of measles was 33.91 / 100 000, the mortality rate was 0.3 1/10 million, and the epidemic period was 3-4 years. The incidence peak month was March to May. The incidence of measles in children aged 10 years Accounting for 83.5%. The number of cases of measles outbreak in 1999-200 accounted for 33.3% -5.58% of the reported cases, with a clear history of immunization in 47.5% of the cases and the statewide estimated vaccination rate of 76.5% -78.7%. The incidence of measles rise, the outbreak is an important factor affecting the incidence. Inoculation rate and vaccination of low quality is the direct cause of insufficient funding, poor management of township hospitals, grass-roots hospitals, management staff in arrears, supervision and inspection ineffective, reporting the delay is the impact of epidemic factors. Conclusion: To actively broaden the channel of immunization for immunization, to strengthen routine vaccination and vaccination rate, to improve vaccination quality, to carry out intensive immunization to eliminate blank children, to strengthen supervision and epidemic management, is the measures and measures needed to be taken to control and eliminate measles in the state