由恶性疟原虫传播引起的疟疾对常规抗疟药的耐受性是一个很重要的问题,特别是在撒哈拉以南非洲地区。因而需要有替代现有治疗的方法,且替代疗法对较贫穷国家而言应负担得起。目前,国际研究小组报道已发现一类治疗疟疾的新药。法国的研究人员Henir Vial评论说,作为预防和治疗人类疟疾的药物,开发这些新的口服抗疟药物是一个现实的目标。目前,研究人员正在为研制一种可作为廉价的氯喹替代疗法的口服药物而努力。研究人员发现,疟原虫在红细胞内无性繁殖期间,可合成相当数量的为磷脂的生物合成所必需的
The tolerance of malaria caused by the spread of P. falciparum to conventional antimalarial drugs is a very important issue, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. There is therefore a need for an alternative to existing treatment, and alternative therapies should be affordable for poorer countries. At present, the international research team has reported that a new type of drug has been found to treat malaria. Henir Vial, a French researcher, commented that developing these new oral antimalarial drugs is a realistic goal as a drug for the prevention and treatment of human malaria. Researchers are currently working on developing an oral drug that can be used as a cheap alternative to chloroquine. The researchers found that during the asexual propagation of erythrocytes, Plasmodium could synthesize a considerable amount of the necessary phospholipid biosynthesis