关于核桃举肢蛾 Atrijuglans hetaohaiYang的生物学特性及防治,过去已有过一些报道,1987~1989年作者在河北省对该虫进行了观察,现做一些补充如下。 (一)生活史及习性 1.生活史 该虫在河北省武安市郊区一年发生1代,以老熟幼虫越冬。5月下旬开始化蛹。6月下旬和7月上旬成虫羽化。羽化当天
On the biological characteristics and prevention and treatment of Atrijuglans hetaohaiYang walnut moth, in the past there have been some reports, from 1987 to 1989 the author of Hebei Province observed the insects, make some supplements are as follows. (A) life history and habits 1. Life history The worm occurred in the suburbs of Wuan City, Hebei Province, a generation a year, with mature larvae overwintering. May start pupation in late May. Adult insects emerge in late June and early July. Feather day